Girls as young as 8 years old, perhaps younger, are being sold into brothels all over the world, en masse, often times by their own parents! Some are orphans, and some are kidnapped to be sold. These babies so matter-off-factly take care of business, that it is chilling. In fact, they were terrified to leave, once rescued! The despicable pimps, madams, and customers are now finally being jailed long term!!! As they should be here, as well!!! WOE be to them!
One wonders ... how many millstones will the LORD need for these subhuman cold-hearted greed-beasts??!! If you have the gumption ... brave up to check out Dateline NBC's report and video.
A couple of Americans had
filmed the raids on these brothels which they instigated and insisted on, until the police finally listened. The original reporter, Chris Hansen, revisited 4 of the girls who are now in their early-mid teens. They have had intensive care, education and counseling. What an awesome blessing! One wants to be a doctor, another a dance teacher, and one a CEO of a corporation!
**Here is a the site for the center that helps to rehabilitate these kids. Please check it out, also the 'Who We Are' icon.** This is an example of what the "power of one (family)" can do, with the Power of One directing them.
Nothing will change until, one-at-a-time, we do!
Sorry, for the soapbox again so soon. You see, this is why I don't dare to read the paper! There is SO much injustice in the world. Our Nation conveniently (and shamefully) looks away from these human rights violations and continues to trade with these countries and give them money.
We consumers, citizens, voters, and Christians just let them! To top that, we buy clothes and goods from those countries, without even blinking! It gets me all riled up - however, I think that it is time that we do get riled up, enough to DO something! We MUST pray fervently ... EVERY day, morning, evening and in-between for the LORD to complete His work and to have free course in this Nation and all over the world.
Thanks to God's Word, we KNOW that one day soon Jesus WILL come back and set everything right!! If Obama gets voted in, I believe we will be on the "fast-track" to our heavenly homes. Buckle up Christians! Listen for that heavenly 'shofar!'
God created us to stand; to stand up and out, boldly, firmly, confidently and tenaciously. Even if we are alone: if we are RIGHT, according to God - we MUST stand and let our voice be heard! We have heard that the ground at the foot of the cross is even; our sin of complacency makes us, surely, as guilty as these slavers and partakers of evil.
Forgive me, dear readers. The inhumanity of man toward man is just blowing me away again. Not that this is new; I should surely realize that, since I a just studied Exodus and am now in Genesis, but it is still not any more acceptable!
Surely the "shaking" IS going on again NOW, however, as my dear bloggy friend Gateway pointed out. Stand fast, my friends!
"It is not about what we have, but what we do with what we have."
~unknown to me, Kathy Duplantis, perhaps?