Dear Lord, here is just a small beginning of a list of things I want to thank You for today:
- Your great Love for us
- Jesus
- Your Holy Spirit
- Your Living Word
- Your Salvation
- Your mercy and your grace
- giving us life and breath and Your Spirit
- Your faithfulness
- my Dad
- my stepmother/spiritual mother
- my children
- my grandchildren
- the perfect spouses for my kids
- my half sisters and their kids and spouses
- Your salvation and love and light You have given them all
- for using my children as vessels of Your glory
- allowing me to live long enough to see my kids grow up and to know my grandkids
- the good friends you have given me throughout my life
- the special friends I still have and their eternal salvations
- for the awesome (and weird) bodies You housed us in and the 5 senses You gave us
- the beautiful earth You put us on
- for the sky; the moon and stars and clouds; the warmth of the sun, and rainbows
- hearing and answering all of our prayers
- for keeping me and all of my family and friends safe, even through all of our mistakes
- giving me my heart's desire: allowing me to have and ride my beautiful horses
- giving me dogs, cats, bird, hamsters, bunnies, goats, chickens, horned toads, dragons, and all the domestic and wild animals we have had and touched and seen
- trees, flowers, saguaros, pines, and creatures and horses and butterflies
- oceans, streams, rivers, waterfalls, ponds, dew, rain, snow, icicles
- Your colors and gifts of creative expression
- for Your gift of music and dance and gifting my boys with musical talent
- my home and barn and car and refrigerator and water
- Your provision for our every need
- Your days and Your nights and allowing me to see them and feel them
- allowing me to have time off of work to enjoy your blessings
- the good medical care You have provided me
- red dirt, Your canyons, mountains, valleys, meadows, forests, rocks
- road trips and allowing us to go on them
- all Your treasures on this earth and giving us the joy of discovering them and experiencing them
- musical instruments
- fire and the smell of wood burning and camp fires
- phones, cameras, and all technology
- all of your beautiful wild creatures on and in and over the earth and in the waters