ROMORE: Very kind Arabian gelding, now white and freckled. Happily retired, he is a scitz on the trail, but LOVES children, especially my grandchildren! He has been my "pretend Andalusian." I know, it's quite a stretch; but he IS really handsome in his own right! He has served me well, and continues to be a blessing. I bought Romore for a stablemate to my loving sorrel mare Julie Amarreto. He was a faithful companion to her until she passed on.
I had wanted a horse ALL of my life; Julie was my first and she was SO very special. My dream/prayer is to ride her at liberty (w/no tack) again ... in the LORD'S army!!!
NOTE: Julie's story will be written in a future post.
JOHNNY VALENTINE: VERY handsome bay Quarter Horse stallion. Sorry, bad pic, will work on better one. I bought him as a weanling from a local horse trader. He has never been under saddle, but he is a walking MIRACLE and witness to the POWER of the Lord, prayer, and God's unfailing LOVE. Purely by His GRACE, Johnny survived a really bad case of the West Nile virus, with no medical treatment and no lasting side effects! NOTE: I will reserve Johnny's whole story for another time also.
When I am away from the equine members of my ranch family, I miss them terribly:
~Their gentle nickers when I come out to feed them.
~Their scolding squeals and naughty stomps when I am a little late and they are "starving-to-death."
~The ever-so-peaceful sound of happy horses munching tranquilly on their feed in the barn.
~The feel of a huge horse neck in my arms.
~That incredible communion between horse and man when you breathe gently into their oh-so-soft nostrils.
Besides my Lord Jesus, I am also hopelessly "hooked" on horses and the whole old western lifestyle!
You have met the entire Shiloh Ranch Bunch now. Lord willing, I will share my horse stories with you in the future, as well as how God has used them in my life for HIS glory!
Thanks for stoppin' by!
"The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man." ~ Will Rogers
LOVE your new profile pic!
I also love that you get so much joy from your horses. To God be the Glory!
Fun to meet the gang! I see where A gets her gift of words and relating the every day to the Lord God Almighty!
beautiful animals!!! sometime I'll share our horses on the blog... well, they are really my daughter's and their families, but since we are neighbors, I get to love them too. I must tell you too, I am going to share the flag folding ceremony with others... if I ever heard it, I'd forgotten... it is too valuable to our foundation to let it slip from our thoughts. Thank you much for sharing that! carla (why do I always feel like I am writing a letter to post???.. oh well, old habits!)
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