My neighborhood had a huge yard sale last weekend. I was feeling prre-tty good about NOT giving in to my addiction of collecting things that I don't need! CLUE: Du-uhh, pride comes before a fall!
A little RAT TERRIER had been running around IN the street all morning. I called him over, but he was too shy to get close. I carried on with my business, UNTIL he came back a THIRD time! He laid down at the end of my driveway and crossed his little front paws, like he just belonged there. Omigosh, THAT did it!
I could stand it no longer: I offered him water and food. He finally let me pet him and he was oh-so-skinny (his back and hip bones are sticking out), oh-so-happy for someone to care that he was LOST ... and oh-so-CUTE!
He is handsome, well put-together and very SWEET. I imagine that someone MUST be very worried about him right now, but I can find no lost ads anywhere. Will put up found ads next.
As you may know, I already have an eclectic pack of dawgs here at Shiloh Ranch. Adding a "whole" male to the mix is NOT on the agenda! Mine are all neutered and spayed!
Murphy, my J.R., sits up and begs for me to let them play together. He is so happy to FINALLY have someone on this Ranch that is smaller than him! These two COULD make quite an efficient varmint control team! The Shiloh Ranch EXTERMINATORS!
IF we don't find this guy's home in another week or so, we will have to take a little trip to the vet and get him neutered (gasp). There are SO many dogs and puppies already out there, that are literally DYING for a home! :(
I have been thinking (which CAN be dangerous): I suppose to qualify as an official "RESCUE," one would actually have to find other homes for some of the dogs???!! Perhaps I really SHOULD look into it; I could definitely use a tax write-off! LOL.. hmmmm.....
UPDATE: My granddaughters fell in LOVE with the little "Prince." We checked with all the local pet stores and left "found" notices everywhere. No luck yet. We theorized all sorts of stories about how this nice little guy got loose WITHOUT a collar or tags!
UPDATE 2: Little "Prince" is REALLY fast and SUPER agile! If we DON'T find his owner; his Ranch name will be "Richochet." That moniker fits him PERFECTLY: his call name could be Riccy or Rico.
Oh-oh, does it sound like we're getting attached?? I'd better put a check on THAT!
I have this HORRID propensity for getting AHEAD of the LORD! NOT a good thing! I need Him in front, LEADING me in the way HE has for me...ALWAYS; and that's the truth!
One thing I am SURE of: Our Father knows EVERY sparrow that falls from its nest, so we know that He has a plan for this little lost dog. I'm also reasonably sure that He has a lesson for US as well! ;)
He ALWAYS gives us so much MORE than we can even anticipate! My Pro Rodeo pastor, Coy Huffman, speaks of "E-Triple-A" from Eph 3:20. "Now unto Him that is able to do Exceedingly Abundantly Above All that we can ask or think..."
It is such a blessing that the great and awesome I AM is concerned about EVERY teeny-tiny detail of our lives and ALL of his creation!!
BLESS THE LORD, oh my soul!!!
"Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout ALL the ages, world without end. AMEN." Eph 3:21
Leviticus 26:4b ~ Yield ~ Let Go!
13 years ago
HOW very special to find your comment on this wonderful Mother's Day! I see you came in on my GateWay GetaWay blog. YES< we certainly are in love with the same guy... Jesus is the Rock my family thrives upon! Don't know if the GateWay cottages blog has my other blogs or not, but if not, you should also know that animals and ranch life we also have in common.... and then to see your boxer on your page... OH MY GOODNESS!!! boxers raised and protected my girls and grandkids!!! My oldest just lost her 10 year old best friend/protector/nanny dog HUNNY! sooo all that to say... I'm thanking God that I can get to know more of you and yours too! carla
I would have had a hard time turning away that little Rat Terrier, too. Around Christmas, I blogged about how our former neighbors moved out and abandoned the most adorable Pomeranian that did tricks for it's food and everything. Trouble was, our current house has a postage stamp yard and a big dog. So, we put out the word, and my brother-in-law and his wife ended up taking in the dog...and couldn't be a better match.
Happy Mother's Day!
he really is rather cute! glad murph has a friend ;)
It does sound like you are attached! LOL!
Sounds like a cute little guy- and yes, sounds like you are getting attached to him! I like the E triple A way of remembering that great passag in Ephesians.
I don't think you can be considered as being attached seeing as how there is a lack of picture of said little doggy. I bet the twins want him to stay! (And btw - I get ahead of God all the time!)
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